Today I want to talk about one of the worst times you can experience because it's one of the best times you can experience.
I want to discuss all lows that we all seem to experience from time to time through our lives. It could be minor like going to buy something a realize the store is sold out or it could be something a little bit more serious like loss of a loved one or a financial crisis.
When we hit these lows it can be very difficult to rationalize with ourselves that things will one day get better, yet things always do seem to get better. Myself, over the last couple of years I've gone through some heartache and some difficult times but I've learned one thing though it all. Once I got through the hurt and grieving I knew it was time to improve myself. It was time to pick myself up and dust myself off and get back to work on myself.
Once you get to an all time low you have a choice you can give up and feel worse or one morning you can wake up and become someone that you have been waiting to become, all you need to do is try. However long it takes you to come out of your hurt know that on the other side there is a version of you that is stronger, better and eager to succeed. Once you find that person inside you and trust in them your whole world will change for the better.
Stay motivated
Shane C.
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