Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Top 10 books that change your thinking

Where do you go for knowledge?  Do you wait for someone to teach you or do you find the answers on your own time?  It has been said that those who stop studying once their formal schooling is complete will be doomed to mediocrity. 

In life, you must  learn many different types of subjects that range from health, finance, career, etiquette and the list can go on forever.  Here is my list of the books that are must haves in my library.  They are not meant to be read quickly and thrown  up on a book shelf, as I once thought.  They must be studied over and over.  Here are my favorites:

1. Think and grow rich- Napolian Hill
2.  Psycho-cybernetics- Maxwell Maltz
3.  The magic of thinking big- David J. Schwartz
4.  Who moved my cheese- Spencer Johnson
5.  The power of now- Eckhart Tolle
6.  Man's serch for meaning- Viktor E. Frankl
7.  The richest man in Babylon- George S Clason
8.  Acres of diamonds- Russell H Conwell
9.  The answer- John Assaraf & Murray Smith
10. The book of Awesome- Neil Pasricha ( This book can be purchased just to open up every now and then.  It's a treat for your mind, like candy).

I could write a small description for each book, but every time you open and study them, you can get a different take on each one.  Take the time to read at least one book from this list, take notes and learn from it.

Stay motivated
Shane C.


  1. Shane, nice list of books. I've read a few of them and will add the others to my reading list. "The Daily Motivator" is a great blog title. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

    Lets connect,

    Kevin Richardson

  2. Nice list. You have a unique list of books. You can check out my "books to read" at

    It is a slightly broader range of books.
