Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One step at a time

I love the drive back to my hometown late at night while the world is sleeping. It's about a nine hour drive from where I live here in Windsor Ontario.  I follow a long highway all night long and there isn't much to see,  all I have is music and the headlights.  There is one thing that gets me through that long drive other than coffee and that's the mile markers every few miles. For each marker I pass, I anxiously await the next one and this goes on for the next few hours. Doing this makes the long drive more exciting knowing each goal is only from one marker to the next, because a 9 hour drive can seem a little daunting.

When we think about our goals in life they can seem a little far away and impossible to reach.  We must break down our goals into tiny goals, just like the markers on the highway.  Each time you achieve something on the way to your larger goal you can celebrate knowing you have achieved a small victory on your way to your big goal. Goals are a collection of tiny efforts made over a period of time.  It takes preparation and effort on your part to get what you want to achieve.

No matter how big your goal is, a business, a relationship, a new body, career, family trip, set your small milestones to achieve each day on your way to your large goal.  It's easier to celebrate each small step than always playing the waiting game in achieving your ultimate goal.

Stay motivated
Shane C.

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