How often have you sat in front of the television, yelling because you feel you know exactly what the people on T.V. should be doing? How often have you complained about how things should be done at work?
We complain about everything because we feel everything should be done our way and we always have a better way to succeed than anybody else. Until the dreaded day comes that we fall on our ass and become victim to a life circumstance. When something throws us off, we run out and blame people, look for excuses and ask everyone for advice.
It's funny because right up till that moment in life you knew how everything should be done and how everybody should do things around you, until you fall victim then it's a whole other story.
You are an expert in the art of giving advice but you rarely sit down and listen to your own advice in a time of need. I want to offer you a simple solution on how to listen to your own advice so you don't run out and get someones bad advice because you are desperate.
1. Trust yourself- You must trust yourself if you want to achieve greatness, take the step in doing what you feel is right even if you are scared.
2. Resist good advice- People close to you will offer you advice on relationships, work, money, etc.....Are they experts? Probably not, do you know how many people in bad relationships I've witnessed giving out bad relationship advice?
Nevermind what people are preaching. Don't take advice simply because you are desperate for an answer.
3. What do you want?- You must know the result you want when you are in hysterics. Write down the end result you are looking to achieve to solve your problem then you will be able to advice yourself on which direction to go.
Effective immediately, understand you no longer need to go look for advice, you know what to do and you are simply afraid and it's time to step up to the plate and hit a home run. Advise yourself on the simple things in life there is no need to listen to your friend who is advising you on your next move in life.
Stay motivated
Shane C.
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